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LLCC Library Search & Discover

This guide will demonstrate how to use the library's discovery interface, LLCC Library Search & Discover, as well as I-Share, which uses the same platform.

Simple Searching

LLCC Library Search & Discover offers a simple but powerful default search tool.  On the home screen, click the green magnifying glass to modify your basic search parameters, as circled in red below.  There are many different ways to search:

  • Everything at LLCC: a combination of the LLCC Books & More search as well as the Articles Search
  • LLCC Books & More: contains LLCC Library's physical items as well as eBooks, some electronic journals, and streaming video
  • LLCC Print Books: limits your search to physical books at LLCC Library
  • eBooks: limits your search to eBooks that LLCC students and employees may access
  • Articles: searches for articles across a variety of LLCC Library databases
  • All I-Share Libraries: searches the collections of 90+ academic and special libraries across Illinois for materials available through Interlibrary Loan services
  • NewsBank: searches the NewsBank database, which contains news articles from more than 8,000 publications from over 200 countries
  • Course Reserves: limits your search to items that have been placed on Course Reserve

Alternatively, if you just type a search term in the search box, you can choose from the parameters that pop up in the search box, as circled in red below.

Advanced Searching

You can also conduct a more detailed search by clicking the Advanced Search button to the right of the Simple search box, which will pop up the box shown below.  You can still limit by the parameters in the Simple search (circled in red below), but you can also narrow your search much further.

  • Search by Specific Fields (circled in green below): search by Title, Author/Creator, Subject, ISBN, and ISSN.  You can add several fields to your search to increase the specificity of your search as well.
  • Limit your Search (circled in gold below): narrow your search by Material Type, Language, or Date Range.