Once you've conducted your search, you'll be taken to your results page. Here you'll see a list of items and some relevant details about them, including their titles, formats, and availability (circled in red below). These results are automatically ordered by relevance (circled in green below), but you can change this to sort by title, author, or date.
You can also tweak your results by using several different facets (circled in gold below), including:
- Availability: limit your search to only items owned by LLCC Library or those that are available online
- Subject: narrow your search to only include items under various subject classifications, such as History or United States
- Resource Type: limit your search to specific types of materials, such as books, journals, or videos
- Author/Creator
- Location: limit your search to various locations within LLCC Library
- Creation Date: define a range of years to limit your results to materials created during a specific time period
- Language
- Collection: limit your search to a particular electronic collection, such as a database
- Journal Title
- Institution