Service Alert
You can view many details of your library account once you've logged in by clicking on your name in the top right-hand corner (covered up in red below).
My Favorites will take you to a list of items that you have saved for later review, and Search History will include your searches from your current session and any searches you have saved in the past. Display Language will allow you to choose between English, Arabic, French, and Spanish as your preferred language in LLCC Search & Discover.
Library Card will take you to an overview of your account, where you can see your loans, requests, fines and fees, account blocks, and personal details and settings at a glance. You can also view more complete details by clicking on any of these categories (circled in red below). All of these details (except personal details and settings) are specific to the I-Share library that you have transactions with, and you can view your transactions by selecting any of the libraries that appear on the left (circled in green below). When you have selected a library, you will be able to renew the materials you have checked out from that library if they are eligible for renewal.
My Personal details and settings allows you to see your contact information and library barcode (covered in black below) as well as choose to automatically keep you logged in during a session of LLCC Search & Discover that goes beyond the normal time out interval and also set your default language (circled in red below).