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Swank Digital Campus

This guide lists links to currently licensed streaming films available through the Swank Digital Campus interface, and explains how to authenticate through OpenAthens to access streaming film content from an off-campus location.

Swank Digital Campus

The LLCC Library has entered into a limited agreement with Swank Digital Campus streaming media for FY25.  LLCC can choose up to twenty-five film titles; once a title is activated LLCC will retain licensed access to them until June 30, 2025.  Upon activation, LLCC Library staff will add the title and access point to LLCC Library Search & Discover, our online discovery layer.  

If you need access to a video for your online class through June 30, 2025, please send the title to Amanda Wiesenhofer (, she will check streaming availability of that title, and then license the film if she is able after consulting with the appropriate library faculty members

Here is a link to the Swank Digital Campus Catalog to look for and explore titles that could be useful in your courses. Be sure to scroll through the page to see films of all types grouped by academic discipline.

From Swank Digital Campus Technical Support

The Swank streaming platform does not currently support playback of films via screen sharing platforms such as Zoom Meetings. The security of the platform is designed to prevent functional playback in this manner as we are unable to ensure that the audience of a film being shown via screen share is one covered by our agreements and rights.

For virtual classrooms and events, we recommend that facilitator provide each viewer with a link to the film and use Zoom simultaneously to discuss what every student is watching on their own device.

As a side note, if you are attempting to show a film via screen share, it is the audience that experiences disruption not the presenter. Just because playback appears smooth on the teacher’s end, does not mean that it is for the students.