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Surgical Technology Resources at LLCC

Use this guide to access Surgical Technology program resources and tips for using LLCC Library.

Search Nursing Journals: EbscoHost: the Database MALL for CINAHL+full-Text + Health Source: Nursing/Academic

OVID: Community College Nursing Journals with MEDLINE

AJN, American Journal of Nursing (1996-2015) 
Healthcare Now 
Home Healthcare Nurse (2000-2014)
Med/Surg Insider Supplement (2009) 
Men in Nursing (2009-2010)
Nursing (2002-2015)
Nursing Critical Care (2006-2015) 
Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! (2003-2015)

Ovid Journals are a great place to find continuing education, how-to, and evidenced-based practice articles from the Nursing magazines and journals listed above covering a wide range of topics. The interface is a bit slow and a little tricky to look at. Be patient for your results to appear in the bottom panel (allowing pop ups will speed things up a little bit) and look to the column on the LEFT to help narrow and focus your results (by date, etc). 

GALE Nursing & Allied Health Databases


Specialized (PSYCHOLOGY) Database