Service Alert
1. Determine the copyright status of the work that you would like to use.
2. If the work is copyright-protected, not openly licensed, not in the public domain, and not licensed by the LLCC Library...?
3. If you determine that the work is copyright-protected, is not licensed for use by the LLCC Library, is not openly-licensed, and you cannot invoke fair use, then you need to seek permission to use the copyrighted work.
It is not always easy to determine who holds copyright or find out who you should contact. Please feel free to contact Amanda Wiesenhofer, eResources & Library Systems Administrator, anytime you need assistance with this process! She is always more than happy to research the rights status of a work, and find out who owns the copyright and how to get a hold of the owner in order to seek permission. Please be aware that the library does NOT have funds to secure permission--this will need to come out of your own departmental budget.
U.S. Copyright Office: Seeking Permission
"Asking for Permission" tutorial by Kenneth Crews, Columbia University Copyright Advisory Service, CC-BY License