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Composition Research at LLCC

Use this guide to walk-through the research process with step-by-step instructions and annotated photos detailing recommended databases, source citation, and avenues for obtaining additional assistance from LLCC Reference Librarians

LLCC Search & Discover

LLCC Library Search & Discover is a cloud-based platform that links you seamlessly to all resources at your LLCC Library, I-Share institutions, EBSCO databases, WorldCat, and more.  This interface (located on the library's home page and circled in red below) lets you experience information discovery across a variety of resources now in one, single place.   It includes new pathways for research yet keeps all of your favorite methods of searching the library as well.  The guide linked below will introduce you to LLCC Library Search & Discover and show you some helpful tips on how to best use it.  Follow the tabs on the left to get started.

LLCC Library Search & Discover is the fastest way to search the most and broadest selection of LLCC resources. Results will include resources in all kinds of formats, for example from print to e-books, and with content developed and arranged at wide range of academic levels, for example from introductory reference entries to peer-reviewed scholarly journals. 

USING LLCC Library Search & Discover

How to Log In

To get the most out of LLCC Library Search & Discover you must first sign in.  Just click on either of the Sign In links found in the top right-hand corner of the screen or the yellow banner (circled in red below).

Next, select your appropriate Log In option:

Sign In options

  • LLCC Users: You will use your LLCC email address and password (which you use to connect to your LLCC email, Canvas, and campus WiFi).
  • Community Users: First, you must apply for a community patron account, either in person at the Circulation desk or through our online application.  Once we create your library account, you will need to reset your password (circled in blue below) using either the email address you provided or the username of that email address.  You will then be sent an email to that address to create a password of your choosing.