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Circulation Policies @ LLCC

This guide reviews the circulation policies at Lincoln Land Community College Library.

LLCC ID/Library Card

 Reasons to Get Your LLCC ID / Library Card  

  • Check out books from the library
  • Request books from over 90 academic libraries through I-SHARE
  • Works as a photo ID outside of campus
  • Receive discounts at various businesses and venues

Patrons must present their ID cards to checkout any Library materials (including Interlibrary Loans and Reserve Items). Students, faculty, and staff can obtain their student or staff ID at the Student Services Hub in Menard Hall. Please bring a photo ID. For questions, contact LLCC Registration at 217-786-2292.

Only current students, faculty, and staff can be issued an ID; students must be currently registered and attending classes. Student ID cards are good for a period of three years, while staff and faculty cards are valid for the duration of their employment at LLCC.
